The Virtual gallery features 500 museum objects that are stored in the exhibitions and collections of the Establishment of Culture “Hrodna State Historical and Archaeological Museum” and reflect the historical and literary heritage of Hrodna region in the late XIX-early XX centuries. The listed items belong to 24 museum collections, such as rare books, rare periodicals, greeting cards, household items and personal household goods, photographic prints, manuscripts, documents, posters and play-bills, maps and plans, objects of mass culture and souvenirs, musical instruments , arts and crafts, icons and other.
Undeniably interesting are the documents, manuscripts, books, family photos of the Bahdanovichy family, their relatives and friends. The first picture of Maxim and his mother made in Hrodna in the photo studio of I.I.Sadowsky-L.M.Kazlowsky, metrics of baptism of the Bahdanovichy children, an envelope from the main depot of musical instruments in St. Petersburg, addressed to Maria Apanasawna Bahdanovich, personal belongings, poet Maxim Bogdanovich’s picture frame and silver teaspoon, a collection of poems by M. Bahdanovich “Wreath” (1913), autographed by Adam Bahdanovich (father of Maxim), by Anna Valasovych-Hraznova and Yanka Bryldrawvisitors’ attention.
In the collection “Rare books” you can find descriptions of original publications of the end of the XIX-th–the beginning of the XX-th centuries: works by E.Azheshka, A. Mickievich, V.Syrakomlia, F. Bahushevich, Tsiotka, Y.Kupala, Y.Kolas, K.Buyla, A.Pawlovich, M.Haretsky, B.Tarashkevich et al. The collection “Rare periodicals” is presented by the periodicals of the early twentieth century: newspapers “Nasha Dolya”(Our Destiny) and “Nasha Niva” (Our Cornfield), magazines “Zhyttio Belarusa” (Life of a Belarusian), “Zhanotskaya Sprava” (Female Business), “Saha”(Wooden Plough), “Kryvich.”
The collection “Household Items and Goods” is noted by specification of the interior items, housekeeping goods of the XIX-th—beginning of the XX-th centuries:a cupboard, a floor clock, a tea table, a chest of drawers, a sofa, a bookcase.
Porcelain vessels produced by “Brothers KuzniatsovySociety”, a paper cutter owned by Adam Mickievich (XIX c.), a badge “For Beauty” (1919, Hrodna), a folder-logger “Ideal” made at the Niomanskaya factory of bookbinding products (early twentieth century, Hrodna), the sign “Sofia Brotherhood of Hrodna” (1907, St.Petersburg), a playbill “Butrim Niamira” and “Dear Kiss” (1920, Hrodna ) printed on dark red silkare of considerable interest.
The collection “Postcards” have the descriptions of postcardsfrom different publishers with images of landscapes and architectural monuments of Hrodna, Minsk, Vilnius, Yaroslavl and other cities.
(Беларускі) Фотаадбіткі
(Беларускі) Друкаваныя выданні
(Беларускі) Этнаграфія і побыт
(Беларускі) Дакументы
(Беларускі) Рэдкія перыядычныя выданні
(Беларускі) Прыборы, апараты, механізмы, інструменты
(Беларускі) Рэдкія кнігі
(Беларускі) Бытавыя рэчы асабістага і хатняга ўжытку
(Беларускі) Рукапісы
(Беларускі) Іконы
(Беларускі) Паштоўкі
(Беларускі) Скульптура
(Беларускі) Этнаграфічнае, бытавое і форменнае адзенне і абутак
(Беларускі) Ліставыя выданні
(Беларускі) Фалерыстыка
(Беларускі) Філатэлія
(Беларускі) Дэкаратыўна-прыкладное мастацтва
(Беларускі) Баністыка
(Беларускі) Жывапіс
(Беларускі) Музычныя інструменты
(Беларускі) Плакаты і афішы
(Беларускі) Народна-прыкладное мастацтва
(Беларускі) Прадметы масавай культуры і сувеніры
(Беларускі) Карты і планы